
Showing posts from December, 2020

नैनी धार्मिक पर्यटकीय क्षेत्र

अछाम जिल्लाको निर्माणाधिन साविकको खप्तड गाविस हाल साँफेबगर नगरपालिका १२ मा पर्ने नैनी धार्मिक पर्यटकीय क्षेत्र जसको विकासमा एक जना ७६ वर्षीय अर्जुन राना हुनुहुन्छ । सुन्दर नाइँनी अछामको तत्कालीन खप्तड गा.वि.स. र हालको सा.न.पा.१३ को वडा, खप्तड्को उत्तर पूर्वी भाग बाजुरा र बझाङ सङ्ग नजिकै रहेकोे अबको केहि महिनामा सडकले जोडिने अछामको सुन्दर स्थान । Rock garden ( ढुङ्गे बगैंचा ) नेपालकै एक बेजोड छ। भौगोलिक विविधता र मनोरम हिम शृङ्खला र बडी मालिकाको सुत्ने कोठा बाटै अवलोकन गर्न पाईन्छ । होटलको व्यबस्था ( Home Stay ) होम स्टे भएको अनुपम ।

Naini Tourism Development in Khaptad Achham Nepal

In Short known as Naini, a tourist desctionation with highly growing  prespective in Far Western Nepal, Acham District. Major Attractions:  Developed by a Arjun Rana 76 years old alone, with support of local, state government of Nepal. regularly involved and promoting since 12 years. Lake , statue  and half Shiva statue carving (in progress)  local and religious tourism  pristine nature and wilderness Who can visit? If you have religious , there is a strong belief of Lord Shiva & Parbati. If you love nature and wilderness its the best place to spend a long or short holiday. Love doing yoga, there is no better palce than this. How can you reach? From the nearest hill city Safebagar, you can get shared jeep , or hike 5-6 hours (for tourist) \ You can fly or catch a direct bus to safebagar from Kathmandu nepal. travel advice : If you are going to Khaptad National Park , you can easily ascend or descend visiting this place. Suggestion: Call in advance to inform for the food and living